ESG Management

Anton has unremittingly optimized its ESG governance structure and mechanism, and incorporated ESG into its business development and operation. Committed to sustainable development, Anton has also communicated extensively with all stakeholders and proactively responded to their concerns and interests.


ESG Governance Structure


Anton has established a comprehensive ESG management system including the Board, ESG committee, ESG office, and ESG working group.


The Board oversees and supervises the Company's ESG-related objectives, strategies, and management policies. It reviews annual ESG material issues and sustainability reports, actively promoting the integration of ESG factors into strategic decisions and daily operations. The ESG committee under the Board assists in formulating ESG strategies and supervising the Company's ESG performance. It analyzes environmental, social, and governance trends and provides recommendations to the Board. Operating under the ESG Committee, the ESG Office comprises representatives from relevant functions involved in ESG matters. It executes the Company's ESG plans and gathers ESG information from various departments. Each division, sales region, and subsidiary conducts specific activities in line with headquarters' requirements and submits regular ESG updates.


To further enhance ESG governance, the Company has tied sustainability-related performance indicators to executive compensation. Executives failing to meet QHSE objectives for the year risk losing their entire annual variable pay. This incentivizes executives to prioritize the Company's long-term sustainable development.


Anton’s ESG Management under the Board



Stakeholder Communication


The Company emphasizes the expectations and concerns of our stakeholders. We have developed various communication channels to listen and respond to their concerns in a timely manner.



Identification of Material Issues


Considering domestic and international standards and regulations concerning sustainable development, industry development trends, capital market interests, and other relevant factors, and considering the Company's actual business development, Anton has identified and screened a list of ESG materiality issues for FY2023. This process involved benchmarking and analysis of peer companies, expert assessments, questionnaire surveys of internal and external stakeholders, and on-site interviews. Based on this comprehensive approach, we disclose high materiality issues in this Report in a targeted manner to effectively address stakeholder concerns.



Anton ESG materiality issue matrix of 2023